Dink Day in Pensacola Florida

I think those “It’s a beautiful day to….” do not apply to fishing. I had three people tell me it was beautiful day to go fishing. It was a bright sunny day with just a slight southeast wind. I had a late start, launching at the end of a major peak cycle this Saturday afternoon. I was hoping the winds would keep the current moving at sunset but the winds calmed. I stayed in the west end of Bayou Chico, and caught two dink specks on a 3” Slam Shady paddle tail. I was getting several bites but decided to move as I didn’t want to stress out the young trout.

I headed to the hwy 98 bridge hoping to spot tarpon but no luck. I started to throw a Rattle Trap and caught what looked like a small largemouth bass. It made a few jumps and came off at the kayak. I switched back to the paddle tail and proceeded to get a few more bites but no hookups. The bites felt like small white trout or speckled trout. Moving to the south side of the bayou, I caught a runt red. I made my way back to the launch and caught a decent speck, maybe around 14” before calling it a day at sunset.


Speckled Trout Bite Was on Fire in Mobile Bay


Speckled Trout and Redfish Bayou Chico