Fishing Piers in Shallow Water | Weeks Bay
I launched my Hobie Pro Angler around 1:45 at Pelican Point in Weeks Bay. Water was moving out of Weeks Bay, and very shallow. I fished the inside piers on the North side of the mouth. There were schools of mullet everywhere so I was hoping there would be speckled trout or redfish among them but no bites. I didn’t see any baitfish. I tried the creek next to the piers and no bites. I didn’t want to go any farther so made my way back to the launch. On the way back I fished deeper water but still no bites. As I was making my way back to the launch I decided to fish the length of the last pier to the grass line. I threw my 4” paddle tail towards the grass and a 16” redfish inhaled the lurer right at the kayak. This was enough for another 30 minutes so I worked the piers up and down. I would get a bites but not hookups. These felt like genuine bites, not the bumps I was getting throwing among the mullet. I didn’t catch anything else so took it back to the launch.