Mobile Bay Kayak Fishing - Fairhope
There was an easterly wind for this late morning trip to Fairhope, Alabama. I was on the water at the start of a minor peak. The water was so so, not clear but not muddy as well. I did my water test and I could see the Slam Shady paddle tail for about foot and half so decided I would fish it going out and the Z-Man Purple Death paddle tail on the way back in.
The fish were not aggressive, almost like they had the munchies. I would get a bite or the fish would come off. However, I would throw right back to the area and usually I would get a hookup. I think the fish were not feeding but the throwing the lure around the area multiple times may have stirred them up some.
Most of the bigger fish were close to shore, and I also managed about a 24” redfish up against a bulkhead. I didn’t see much bait activity so I was just blind casting around piers. All told I caught about 20 speckled trout and one redfish. I didn’t keep track of the fish caught on each lurer but it was about even.