Rainy but Productive Morning in Fairhope, Alabama

I launched at sunset in Fairhope, Alabama and there was barely any wind. The water was low and the current was moving south. Water clarity was decent so I used a white 4” paddle tail, the Z-Man Slam Shady variant to be exact. The major peak started at 7:12 am. I didn’t see much action on the water. There was a mullet jumping here and there and an occasional fish slick would pop up but nothing to get excited about. I managed 8 speckled trout and one catfish. It was rare to get a bite in the same area so it was a grind. The strategy today was to just blind cast around every pier. For about an hour there was a steady rain and I was hoping this would turn on the bite but it didn’t. The fish felt very warm and all were released.


Mangrove Snapper, Speckled Trout in Bayou Chico - Pensacola


Creek Fishing in Weeks Bay