Creek Fishing in Weeks Bay
This was a late afternoon trip to Weeks Bay at the start of a major peak. The winds were mostly out of the north and the tide was moving out. I really didn’t have huge expectations for this trip. I stayed on the West side and fished the piers with no bites or strikes. With all the activity around Weeks Bay my goal was to see if I could catch a redfish or two in the creek. Unfortunately the water was moving out of the creek so the baitfish were also moving out. I saw some nervous bait and hooked up with a fish. It wasn't putting up a big fight so I though I had a rat red. Turned out to be a dink speckled trout. I wasn’t expecting that out of this creek. I didn’t catch anymore as I pushed my way up the creek. I mixed the lurers from a white paddle tail to purple chartreuse. I thought of using a wake bait but was just too lazy to try. I was hoping there would be some redfish and specks hanging out at the mouth of the creek waiting in ambush. I had one thump that felt like a bite but no hookups. I fished the piers on the way out and no bites.