Are the Speckled Trout Moving Out? - Graham Creek

With the warming trend on the Alabama Gulf Coast, I decided on Graham Creek in Foley Alabama to see if the speckled trout are still in the creeks or moving out. I wanted to fish earlier than noon, but I had clients to take care of and I had to take some phone calls for family sessions this summer. However, iSolunar did show a minor peak after lunch but I have found that doesn’t mean too much for creek fishing. The weather was perfect with temperatures in the upper 60’s. I was encouraged but those hopes were quickly dashed after I struck out at some of the creek spots that have produced this winter. I also didn’t see too much bait or pelican activity. I made it to the end of the creek with no strikes. Making my way back up the creek I saw some pelican activity but still no strikes in places the birds were diving. By the time I got to the launch I was accepting the possibility of a skunk but I managed one speck within casting distance of the launch. I quickly released the fish and estimate it was about 15”.

I can’t say for sure the speckled trout are moving out of the creek since the one I did catch was deep into the creek. However, I saw my first alligator of the year swimming in the creek so that tells me the creek water is warming up and time maybe limited for creek fishing unless we get another cold spell.


Choice of Color : From Daphne to Fish River


Bayou Monster in Pensacola