Choice of Color : From Daphne to Fish River

When I arrived at Daphne to fish the pilings, I wasn’t optimistic about the morning trip. The water was muddy and I didn’t see any bird action. I was going to give it 15 minutes and head back. Since the water was muddy I decided on a dark Biobait paddle tail. Think of Biobait lures as if Gulp and Z-Man had a baby. I chose dark because of the contrast with the muddy water and Biobait specifically because I wanted something scented. Speckled trout have better eyes at detecting contrast and will rely on scent when in muddy waters. After a few minutes I actually caught a dink speckled trout so that was enough to keep in Daphne for a few hours. I fished the pilings with a slow retrieve but large jerking motion to keep the lurer in the strike zone longer. Most of the fish were holding close to structure but I did have the occasional catch away from the pilings. I caught about 10 specks, with maybe two being keeper size. I was very happy with the totals and gave me confidence for fishing conditions like that in the future.

After lunch, I made a quick trip to Fish River. The conditions were just the opposite with clear water so I decided on a white Biobait. I found a pocket of schooling speckled trout in a deep hole and managed about 13 dinks. None of them were keeper size under the new regulations but some were around 14”.


Quick Trip in Fish River


Are the Speckled Trout Moving Out? - Graham Creek