Bayou Monster in Pensacola

Bayou Chico near downtown Pensacola was not my first choice to fish this Sunday afternoon. However, the area I wanted to fish was crowded at the boat launch so I decided on plan B. The main reason I had Chico as my plan b was because there was a steady easterly wind. Chico is a East-West body of water so a steady east wind would act like a tidal movement. The iSolunar fishing charts showed there wasn’t a peak in the afternoon so I was hoping the winds would act like a tidal movement. I launched in the back of the bayou looking for bottleneck areas of moving water. I caught some specks on the south side of the bayou around some piers but there wasn’t much size to them.

Looking across the bayou I noticed laughing gulls flying around so I had to investigate if there were fish under them. It was a false alarm. They were just flying around whenever a pelican would land and take their spots. Since I made the trip over, I fished a boat channel in the north west corner of the bayou and managed one speckled trout. While I was there, an angler anchored up hooked a huge black drum. From the pictures you can see a remora attached to the big beast. After the excitement of that big catch I peddled my Hobie PA back to the north side of the bayou and managed one more speck before ending the day. All told I caught 5 speckled trout, maybe one or two would have been keepers.


Are the Speckled Trout Moving Out? - Graham Creek


Pensacola Bay Inshore Fishing - Bayou Chico